Real estate, why Italy can still grow a lot: the interview to Valeria Genesio, President Agedi Italia, on Il Sole 24 Ore
Italian real estate market Genesio

“We are currently in a phase of extreme caution that does not depend so much on the sector itself but, above all, on external factors that are strongly influencing it,” says Avv. Valeria Genesio, President of Agedi Italia, on the real estate situation in the Bel Paese.

The Italian real estate market is, therefore, currently influenced by macroeconomic scenarios and rising interest rates and inflation, causing a climate of uncertainty and a decrease in investments.

Genesio indicates that the residential sector, for these reasons, has suffered a decrease in mortgage applications, while at the same time favouring the rental market.

Italy, therefore, has ample room for improvement in the real estate sector – with opportunities such as senior living, student housing and hotel development – but, on the other hand, a lack of legal and regulatory stability and excessive bureaucracy represent a barrier to foreign investment.

To read more, download the full interview.