Round table «The Paths of Rome and Central Italy», organised by the Agedi Group. Rome, September 11th, 2021.
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As part of the event «Via Francigena. Road to Rome 2021. Start Again!» *- a long relay march, on foot and by bicycle, along the 3,200 km of the Via Francigena – the Agedi Group has organised a round table  on Saturday, September 11th, 2021, at 5:30 p.m with the presence of the European Association of Vie Francigene and the Magna Carta Foundation. This round table took place at the Istituto Storico e di Cultura dell’Arma del Genio in Rome, under the moral patronage of ENIT.

The round table brought together in a single panel, some of the major socio-economic players, representatives of the world of culture, tourism and associations linked to mobility who have been discussing sustainable tourism for some time and who support the national initiative Valore Paese Italia; including the lawyer Stefano Mantella, Director of Real Estate Strategies and Innovation at the Agenzia del Demanio, Monsignor Liberio Andreatta, expert in Religious Tourism, Mr Luca Andreoli, General Manager of Difesa Servizi SpA, Ms Anna Donati, AMODO spokesperson, Ms Barbara Maria Casillo, General Manager of AICA, Mr Giorgio Palmucci, President of the National Tourism Agency, Mr Massimo Cimatti, Honorary President of the Agedi Group.

Mr Massimo Cimatti, Honorary President of the Agedi Group, has taken the opportunity to illustrate the tourist & cultural project for which the Agedi Group has been selected in the «2020 Guide to tourist and real estate investments in Italy», sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and promoted by ENIT and ANCI. The project, called «Le dimore dei saperi e sapori», promotes the creation of an iconic Italian hotel chain dedicated to the enhancement of Italy’s extraordinary cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, particularly the one found in villages and smaller towns, thus contributing to the socio-economic development of local areas.

*The event «Via Francigena. Road to Rome 2021. Start Again!» was organised on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the European Association of Vie Francigene AEVF.